Tuesday, December 29, 2009

mAnasa tIrthas


mAnasAni hi tIrthAni phaladAni visheShataH |

While the physical tIrthas are indeed meritorious, puNya of a much greater magnitude is attained by association with the following mAnasa tIrthas.

mano nirmalatA tIrthaM rAgAdibhiranAkulam |
satyaM tIrthaM dayA tIrthaM tIrthamindriyanigrahaH ||
gurushushrUShaNaM tIrthaM mAtR^ishushrUShaNaM tathA |
svadharmAcharaNaM tIrthaM tIrthamagnerupAsanam ||

1. A pure mind free of rAga and dveSha
2. Truth
3. Compassion
4. Control over the senses
5. Serving the Guru
6. Serving the parents
7. anuShThAna of svadharma, as dictated by ones varNa and Ashrama
8. Worship of the sacred Fire

Friday, May 1, 2009

Vedic Thought

"Every spot on earth where discourses on God are held is a place of

(Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura - Lecture in Dacca, 1936)

